Leman russ battle tank vs predator tank
Leman russ battle tank vs predator tank

leman russ battle tank vs predator tank

Most Soviet tanks built in the last 50 years could do this as well.

leman russ battle tank vs predator tank

That any single modern tank could survive a maneuver war in a desert and then immediately be dumped into a vicious trench war, then travel across a frozen tundra with very few modifications without it falling apart. I don't think you can really say its any particular tank, It has combat systems like a modern tank but far more tough and rugged and can be manufactured quickly in huge quantities. The size and speed is questionable to say the least, I certainly believe they are faster and smaller than what Forge World states in their books. I seriously doubt (although I will freely admit I have no experience of this) that any single modern tank could survive a maneuver war in a desert and then immediately be dumped into a vicious trench war, then travel across a frozen tundra with no modifications without it falling apart. While its design is questionable if viewed by our "modern" perspective we have to remember that any Leman Russ must survive in any environment in any warzone. It is rugged, durable, runs off anything, heavily armed and armoured, capable of surviving the most extreme hostile environments and can be repaired by anyone who can hold a wrench.Ī Russ has combat systems such as auspex, laser targeters, landscape scanners, infrared targeting, gyroscopic mounting, suspension, the ability to lock onto the enemy, filters and defences against NBC attacks as well as be vacuum sealed. The Leman Russ is quoted as being the most successful battle tank in the galaxy.

Leman russ battle tank vs predator tank